Impressive Natural Health Benefits Of Pistachios

 Impressive Natural Health Benefits Of Pistachios
Nuts are nature’s way of telling you that good things come in small packages. These bite-sized and crunchy nuts have numerous health benefits and make for great mid-meal snacks. Walnuts, almonds, cashews, pine nuts, and hazelnuts make a handful of healthful delights. Out of all the nuts, pistachios often remain the most ignored and underrated. These nuts are not only good for garnishing sweets and savories, but also make for some of the healthiest foods to munch on. According to the book Healing Foods by DK Publishing, its vibrant color indicates high antioxidant content. Pistas are also high in beta-carotene and the compound oleanolic acid, both of which are potent anti-inflammatory compounds. They also contain phytosterols, a type of anti-inflammatory plant hormone associated with improved immune function.

 Health Benefits Of Pistachios:

1. Healthy Heart

Pistachios help in reducing bad cholesterol, LDL and increases good cholesterol, HDL in the body thus preventing heart diseases. It also increases the strength of the nerves making the heart stronger.

2. Anti-inflammation Properties

Pistachio benefits include the presence of vitamin A, vitamin E and anti-inflammatory properties reducing the inflammation in the body caused due to any problems.

3. Prevents Diabetes

60% of the daily required phosphorous is present in a cup of pistachios which can prevent even type-2 diabetes. Also phosphorous in pistachios helps in breaking down proteins into amino acids resulting in glucose tolerance.

4. Hemoglobin And Blood

Vitamin B6 is the protein that helps in carrying oxygen in the blood. The high quantity of B6 in pistachios if taken daily can increase the oxygen quantity in the blood and increase the hemoglobin count in it.

5. Nervous System

Vitamin B6 is present in high concentrations in pistachios which is very beneficial to the nervous system. Amines are the messaging molecules in the nervous system. To develop, they need amino acids which are dependent on vitamin B6 presence in the body. This vitamin builds a sheath called myelin around the nerve fibers. And messages pass via Nerve fibers from one nerve to another. Vitamin B6 helps in building many amino acids which help in the proper transmission of nerve impulses.

6. Macular Degeneration

Macular degeneration is an age-related eye disease that slowly reduces the eye vision making adults unable to read and work properly. It makes them unable to recognize people as well. Free radicals attack the cells and damage them resulting in macular degeneration. Lutein and Zeaxanthin are two anti-oxidants that are found in Pistachios which fight against these free radicals and destroy them preventing the cells from damage and thus preventing macular degeneration.

7. Boosts Immunity

Vitamin B6 is very important for a healthy immune system. This helps in building blood and proper blood supply throughout the body.

8. Healthy Brain

Vitamin B6, that is present in high quantity in pistachios helps in increasing the hemoglobin count in the blood. This oxygen-rich blood is then supplied to the brain making it even more active.

9. Healthy Glands

Glands like the spleen, thymus, etc become healthier and work properly with a good supply of blood containing more white blood cells (WBC) that are required to fight against infections.

10. Healthy Skin

Vitamin E is very essential for healthy skin and this anti-oxidant is present in pistachios. It integrates the cell membranes of the mucous membranes of the skin membranes. It protects skin from harmful UV rays, prevents skin diseases and makes skin healthy and more beautiful.





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