Impressive Health Benefits of Eating chicken

Impressive Health Benefits of Eating chicken
Chicken is the most popular meat which is eaten all over the world. In fact, most people prefer eating chicken to mutton and that is one of the reasons it has made its place in all the Indian meals.

A part of the chicken which is the chicken breast is also enjoyed by many. Chicken breast is skinless and boneless that is high in protein, which makes it perfect for weight maintenance.

Half a chicken breast comes with 142 calories and only 3 grams of fat. Also, additionally, you can get a plentiful supply of essential vitamins such as vitamin E, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12. Minerals are found in small quantities like iron, calcium, zinc and potassium, which are also present in chicken breast.

Chicken breast can be eaten by cooking it or grilling and baking it. Now, let's have a look at some of the health benefits of skinless chicken breast.

 1. Build Muscles:

Chicken is lean meat. This basically means that it has little fats and lots of proteins. People who are trying to add bulk to their muscles eat lots of boiled chicken.

2. Chicken Helps To Fight Against Depression:

Chicken also contains large amounts of an amino acid called “tryptophan”. It has a soothing effect on the nervous system, and it can stimulate and improve our sleep. In fact, if you feel depressed, you just need to eat some food dishe
which are mainly made with chicken to increase the levels of serotonin in your brain, in order to enhance your mood, reduce and ease the stress, and relieve the depression that you are suffering. In fact, large quantities of vitamin B3 contained in chicken can help people improve mood effectively, especially in cold winter days. You just need to boil or roast a small chicken, and you are about to have a nutritious meal which support you well in the battle against depression, stress, and anxiety. This is actually one of the best health benefits of chicken that not many people know!
3. Keep Bones Healthy:

 Chicken has phosphorus which along with calcium keeps your bones healthy. It might be good for women who are prone to having weak bones.
4. Improve The Health Of Eyes: 

Chicken flesh comes with high levels of retinol, alpha and beta-carotene, and lycopene – the substance which are all derived from vitamin A so that they are very beneficial for eyesight. In fact, eating chicken can contribute to stabilizing and maintain your vision’s health. Therefore, you definitely should add chicken to your daily diet in a regular basis for good, especially if you are living with some eye problems.

5. Good For Heart’s Health: 

Homocysteine is an amino acid that can cause heart disease if it contained at high levels in our body. Therefore, controlling the level of homocysteine is essential to protect the health of the heart. And fortunately, eating chicken breast in a regular basis may help to prevent the increase of homocysteine levels and control them as you desire. Chicken has cholesterol but it also contains niacin which can help to lower the cholesterol levels. Therefore, if you pick up lean chicken flesh and serve it without adding butter or oil, it will be actually very good for your heart. This is also one of the health benefits of chicken that people should not look down.

6. Minerals and Vitamins:

Chicken breast is packed with minerals and vitamins. It contains vitamin B, which is useful in preventing problems like cataracts and different skin disorders, it helps eliminate weakness, boosts immunity, regulates digestion, prevents heart disorders, and high cholesterol among others.

7. Boosting Metabolism:

Chicken breast contains vitamin B6 that promotes metabolic cellular reactions and enzymes, which means that consuming chicken breast will maintain the health of your blood vessels. It will also keep your energy levels high and boost metabolism, so that your body can burn more calories.

8. For Strong Bones:

The high protein content in chicken breast helps in decreasing bone loss. Consuming 100 grams of chicken breast will be sufficient in fulfilling half of your daily protein intake. The phosphorous present in chicken breast will help in keeping your bones, teeth and the central nervous system strong.


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