Impressive Benefits of Eggs

 Impressive Benefits of Eggs
The amazing health benefits of eggs include their ability to balance nutrient intake in the body, lower “bad” cholesterol levels, increase cognitive function, protect the heart, prevent eye disease, detoxify the body, prevent certain cancers, help you lose weight, and guarantee proper growth and development.

Eggs Are a Rich Source of Nutrients:

Eggs are one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet.  They are absolutely amazing for the body.  Unfortunately, some individuals have immune sensitivity to eggs, however, if you have a healthy digestive system and no immune intolerance than they should be a staple part of your diet!

Complete Protein:

This has the full array of amino acids and is considered the most perfect protein on the planet.  Amino acids are important for a healthy immune system and metabolism and lean body tissue development. Egg protein is particularly good for individuals with gout because it does not contain purine.
One entire large egg contains 6 grams of high-quality protein and is a A good source of protein for vegetarians who eat egg products.

Carotenoids:  Retinol, lutein, and zeaxanthin
These are important nutrients for healthy skin, brain, hormones, and vision.

Vitamin K2: 
This nutrient is key for cardiovascular health as it helps to reduce calcium deposits in the arteries and improves calcium influx into the bone tissue
A key precursor to the neurotransmitter acetylcholine needed for learning, memory and cognitive acceleration
Vitamin D3:
Plays a crucial role in bone health, maintaining blood pressure and cognitive performance
Vitamin E:
This nutrient is vital for a strong immune system and vascular health
Long Chain Omega 3 Fatty Acids: EPA, DHA, and ALA
These essential fatty acids contribute to brain function, cardiovascular health, and immune support.
Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA): Omega-6 Fatty Acid
Key for immune health and metabolism and may aid in weight management.
Healthy component of cell membranes. Lecithin provides cardiovascular support and aids in cognitive function
Important B-complex vitamin found mostly in the yolk. Biotin helps to metabolize fats and carbohydrates into energy and promotes healthy hair, nails, and skin.  It contributes to metabolic pathways and serves as a transport mechanism for vitamins and minerals to get into eggs.

The egg white contains biotin inhibitor…so eating straight egg whites can lead to biotin deficiencies.  Always best to eat the whole egg or just the yolk.


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